Privacy policy


  • 2002/58 CE directive – about “the treatment of personal data and the protection of the private life in the digital communication field”.
  • UE 2016/679 Regulation of the European Parliament and of the board of April 27th, 2016regarding people protection in regards to the treatment of personal data, as well as to the free circulation of these data and which repeals the 95/46 CE directive (General Regulation on Data Protection).


After analysing the website, personal data referring to identified or identifiable people can be treated. The owner of data treatment is Arturo Salice S.p.A. sited in Via Provinciale Novedratese 10, Novedrate (CO). The data will be mainly processed at the mentioned head office by the people responsible for the website or by other people appointed for occasional maintenance operations, charged Responsible for treatment according to the article 28 of the GDPR.

Collected data will be retained –  as for any type of treated data – solely for the time needed to fulfil the specific purposes indicated in the specific summary information displayed on the pages of the website and prepared for special services.


Web navigation
The information systems and software procedures required for the functioning of this website, retrieve some personal data during their normal service, the transmission of which is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This information is not collected with the purpose of identifying interested parties, but due to its very nature, the information could lead to user identification through processes and relations with data held by third parties. In this data category there are IP addresses or domain names belonging to computers used by users who connect to the site, addresses with URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notification of the requested resources, time of the request, used method in submitting the request to the server, dimension of the file obtained in replying, the numeric code mentioning the reply status given by the server (successful reply, error, etc.) and other parameters referred to the operation system and to the user’s information environment. This data is used with the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the site and to check the correct functioning; and, immediately after processing, the data is erased. Data could be used for checking responsibility in case of computer crime against the site: except this eventuality, the data on the web site are not retained longer than seven days.

Data voluntarily supplied by the user
The voluntary optional and explicit e-mail transmission to the addresses mentioned in this site implies the subsequent acquisition of the sender’s address, needed to reply to the queries, as well as the other eventual personal data registered in the message. In case of voluntary transmission of curriculum vitae, this will exclusively be used to evaluate the possible interest in a future contractual relationship and in any case, it will not be treated without an explicit authorisation to the treatment given by the user in the curriculum vitae itself.

This website could include links or references for the access to other websites such as social networks like Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, YouTube, Vimeo, Pinterest and Google+. By clicking on the appropriate links you will be able, for example, to share our contents. We inform you that the owner of data treatment does not control cookie policy and other technologies to monitor these websites, to which the current Policy does not apply.

Except for the above-mentioned navigation data, the user may be asked to supply his own personal data through queries or messages to the email addresses shown in the contact pages. Failure to provide such data may be the cause of the inability to obtain the requested information from the company.

The personal data is treated with the aid of automated tools. Specific safety measures are taken to prevent any data loss, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access. The owner of data treatment has adopted all the minimum-security measures provided by law and inspired by the main international standard, and he also adopted further security measures to reduce at the minimum risk afferent confidentiality, availability and the integrity of the collected and treated personal data.

Collected data can be transferred and communicated to other society for activity strictly linked and instrumental to the service operation, like the management of the informatics system.
In case the Police collect information, carrying out legitimate judicial police activities and / or investigation (on its own initiative in the case of preliminary investigations or under the direction of the Public Prosecutor), the Owner of data treatment could be asked to communicate the data.

No data taken from the website is spread out.

The normative of the personal data protection expressly includes some rights for those the data belong to. In particular, according to the article 15 and the followings of the (UE) 2016/976 Regulation, anyone involved has the right to get the confirmation of the existence of data referring to him/her, to get info about the origin, the aim of data treatment, their update, rectification and integration, as well as their cancellation, if treated in violation of the law or because of any of the reasons specified by article 17 of the (UE) 2016/679 Regulation.

The Owner of data treatment periodically checks his privacy and security policy and, if required, he modifies it in relation to normative, organisational or technological changes. In case of policy changes, the new version will be published on this page of the site.

Anyone interested in getting more information, in contributing with his/her own suggestions or in making complaints regarding privacy policies, on how our Company processes personal data and to enforce your rights under the legislation on the protection of personal data, please contact the Data Controller by writing to Arturo Salice S.p.A. sited in Via Provinciale Novedratese 10, Novedrate (CO) or by sending an email to

10/9/2020 8:51:43 AM